Oral History in the Digital Age

Welcome to Oral History in the Digital Age where we will connect you to the latest information on digital technologies pertaining to all phases of the oral history process. There are two primary locations for the OHDA Project online, the primary site and the OHDA WIKI.  You are currently on the primary site where you have access to essays written by leading experts about recording, archiving and disseminating your oral history projects and you can view video interviews from our series Thinking Big which features conversations with many of these leading experts. The wiki links you to current best practices from around the web and includes many exemplary web sites which offer numerous examples for diverse and exciting ways to present oral history online.

If you are just getting started, you have come to the right place.  Go to Getting Started to find easy to follow “playlists” that will help you to start a project, improve your video techniques, and much more.  Or you can browse the  micro-essays that address a number of issues about collecting, curating, and disseminating oral histories.  Or view the video interviews with noted experts. Or stop in and Ask Doug to find the best equipment for your project.

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