June 2012 archive


Written by some of the most noted experts in the field, the following essays and case studies are designed to give you the latest information on best practices in collecting, curating, and disseminating oral histories. As micro-essays and case studies, the texts are designed to be easily updated and revised as technologies change. You are …

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Best Practices Guides Online

The Oral History in the Digital Age WIKI presents an amazing collection of online best practices guides pertaining to various aspects of the oral history process. Additionally, there are over 300 exemplary websites featuring exciting ways of presenting oral history online. Tweet

Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/best-practices/

Getting Started

Don’t know where to start?  Go to Getting Started to find easy to follow “playlists” that will help you to start a project, improve your video techniques, and much more.  Or you can browse the  micro-essays that address a number of issues about collecting, curating, and disseminating oral histories.  Or view the video interviews with …

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Thinking Big: Kara Van Malssen

This episode of “Thinking Big” features video preservation specialist Kara Van Malssen. Van Malssen discusses digital video preservation and its importance to oral history. Tweet

Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/thinking-big-kara-van-malssen/

Thinking Big: Doug Oard

Doug Oard, Professor of Information Studies at the University of Maryland discusses the current state of automatic speech recognition and oral history. Tweet

Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/thinking-big-doug-oard/

Ask Doug: Choosing a Digital Audio Recorder

Finding the right equipment for a project can be one of the most difficult steps. Our digital expert, Doug Boyd, makes it easy by providing you with Ask Doug,  a set of questions that takes you through a series of decisions to some of the best possible choices for your particular needs. At this point, we …

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Tutorial on “Checksum” for Digital Preservation of Oral History

Doug Boyd, director of the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History at the University of Kentucky Libraries has written  on his blog Digital Omnium a post about the importance of checksums and the digital preservation of oral history.  The post, titled : A Simple Act of Digital Preservation: The Checksum and Oral History, features a video introduction/tutorial. Tweet

Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/resource-tutorial-on-checksum-for-digital-preservation-of-oral-history/

Thinking Big: Sady Sullivan

This episode of “Thinking Big” features Sady Sullivan, Director of Oral History at the Brooklyn Historical Society. Sullivan reflects on utilizing oral history in a museum exhibit context.  Specifically, she discusses engaging community in the creation of an exhibit featuring veterans of the Vietnam War.   Tweet

Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/thinking-big-sady-sullivan/


Sound: So much of the material on this site is about sound; how to capture it; clean it; disseminate it, etc. Sure the OHDA site is also about history, and how voices tell stories, but one essential foundation is sound. If you are going to work with sound it is worth knowing a bit about …

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Thinking Big: Terrell Frazier

This episode of “Thinking Big” features Terrell Frazier, Director of Outreach and Education for the Columbia Center for Oral History at Columbia University. Frazier discusses oral history’s role in connecting communities and conducting oral history project and archival outreach in a digital context. Tweet

Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/thinking-big-terrell-frazier/