Category: Curating

Automatic Speech Recognition

Can Automatic Speech Recognition Replace Manual Transcription? by Doug Oard, University of Maryland, College Park We’ve all heard of systems like Apple’s Siri that can automatically recognize what we say and wondered whether we might use this “Automatic Speech Recognition” (ASR) technology to replace the tedious process of manually transcribing oral history interviews.  As with …

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Digital Video Preservation and Oral History

Digital Video Preservation and Oral History by Kara Van Malssen Preserving digital video requires addressing the entire life cycle of the content, from pre-production, to capture, edit, archiving, and providing access. Decisions made at the point of creation have implications for the other stages down the road. It is important to understand these implications and …

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Collection Management Systems

Collection Management Systems: Tools for Managing Oral History Collections by Sara Price There are numerous systems available for archiving materials, but there are few that have been successfully designed for managing oral history collections. As we move further into the digital age it is becoming more apparent that systems are not able to accommodate the …

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Preservation of Analog Video through Digitization

The Preservation of Analog Video through Digitization by Scott Pennington and Dean Rehberger For many of us, having videotape on the shelf seems like a good way for us to preserve our oral histories.  Tapes are tangible.  Unlike the seeming gossamer quality of digital files, VHS tapes seem to have solidity — we can hold them …

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Transcribing Oral History in the Digital Age

Transcribing Oral History in the Digital Age by Linda Shopes Background   Transcribing, that is, representing in print that which has been spoken, has long been established as one of oral history’s best practices. Transcribing is related to oral history’s origins and development as an archival practice with the goal creating documents for future use …

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Preservation of Analog Collections through Digitization

The Preservation of Analog Oral History Collections through Digitization by Sarah Cunningham   The deterioration of analog sound carriers is a significant danger to Oral History Collections. This dilemma coupled with the obsolescence of vintage playback creates a need for the digitization of oral history recordings. In addition to preserving recordings, most archives have a …

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Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/oral-history-curation-in-the-digital-age/

Tutorial on “Checksum” for Digital Preservation of Oral History

Doug Boyd, director of the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History at the University of Kentucky Libraries has written  on his blog Digital Omnium a post about the importance of checksums and the digital preservation of oral history.  The post, titled : A Simple Act of Digital Preservation: The Checksum and Oral History, features a video introduction/tutorial. Tweet

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