Category: Curating
This episode of “Thinking Big” features Michael Taft, the Head of the Archive of Folk Culture at the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress. Taft discusses the efforts at the Library of Congress to archive oral history as well as their current digital approaches to providing access to and preserving oral history. Tweet
Permanent link to this article: /2012/05/thinking-big-michael-taft/
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)<> has awarded the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History at the University of Kentucky Libraries<> a $195,853 National Leadership Grant to further develop their Oral History Metadata Synchronizer (OHMS). OHMS is an open source, web-based system that allows users to search for specific terms within recorded …
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Permanent link to this article: /2011/11/ohms/
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