Written by some of the most noted experts in the field, the following texts are designed to give you the latest information on best practices in collecting oral histories. As micro-essays and case studies, the texts are designed to be easily updated and revised as technologies change. You are invited to leave your comments or turn to our OHDA Wiki to leave your own updates and perspectives on the issues raised. Find out more about the authors.
- Oral History in the Digital Age: Project Overview, Dean Rehberger
- Oral History In the Digital Age: The Imperative for Rethinking Best Practices based on a Survey of the Field(s), Steve Cohen, Brad Rakerd, Doug Boyd, Dean Rehberger
- “Collecting in the Digital Age”: An Overview, Charles Hardy III and Doug Boyd
- Designing an Oral History Project: Initial Questions to Ask Yourself, Doug Boyd
- Project Planning and Management, Marsha MacDowell
- Making Sense of Oral History, Linda Shopes
- Audio or Video for Recording Oral History: Questions, Decisions, Doug Boyd
- On the Differences between Folklore Fieldwork and Oral History, Tim Lloyd
- “No One Wants the Maintenance Crew Named after Them,” or Preparing Material to Deposit in the Digital Age, Troy Reeves
- Digital Audio Recording: The Basics, Doug Boyd
- Understanding Microphones, Charles Hardy III and Doug Boyd
- Microphones and Room Effects: Audio Exemplars and Some Recommendations for Enhancing the Quality of Oral History Recordings, Brad Rakerd
- Speech in Quiet and Speech in Noise: Audio Exemplars and Some Recommendations for Enhancing the Quality of Oral History Recordings, Brad Rakerd
- Video Equipment: Guide to Selecting and Use, Scott Pennington and Dean Rehberger
- Quick Tips for Better Interview Video, Scott Pennington and Dean Rehberger
- Microphone Strategies for Recording Video for Oral History Interviews, Doug Boyd
- The Art of Lighting for Recording Video Oral History Interviews, Doug Boyd
- What Do You Think You Own, or Legal/Ethical Concerns, Troy Reeves
- Achieving Good Audio Recording Levels, Doug Boyd
- Human Subjects and IRB Review, Linda Shopes
- Oral History in the Video Age, Peter B. Kaufman
- Case Study: Oral History, Folklore, and Vernacular Architecture, Janet C. Gilmore and Troy Reeves
- Case Study: Designing a National Online Oral History Collecting Initiative: The Occupational Folklore Project at the American Folklife Center, Nancy Groce and Betram Lyons
- Case Study: America Works-Emerging Project Models, Nancy Groce & Bert Lyons
- Case Study: The Veterans History Project, Kurt Dewhurst
- Case Study: A Closer Look at Community Partnerships, Brooke Bryan
- Case Study: Using video in oral history—learning from one woman’s experiences, Joanna Hay
- Case Study: The Kentucky Oral History Commission: The Digital Shift, Sarah Milligan
- Case Study: Interviewer-Generated Metadata, Doug Boyd
- Case Study: The Civil Rights Oral History Survey Project, Timothy Lloyd
- Case Study: Columbia University Oral History Master’s Program and Digital Projects, Marie Scatena
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