Word of Mouth: How to Create and Share Oral Histories
Description: Deciding to do oral history is an important step, but other essential choices have to be made, such as choosing to do audio or video or both; selecting the equipment; and how to process, store, and disseminate the digital files. This workshop guides attendees through all the steps of an oral history project.
Workshop at a Glance
- Introductions
- Oral History in the Digital Age
- Online Projects
- Creating, Curation, and Processing
- Remote Oral History
- Other materials
10 Minute breaks every 50 minutes — breaks will be time to ask questions about your specific projects and needs (although questions are welcome any time).
Twitter: Oral_History
Web Site — We will be demoing a number of web sites for this workshop. You can visit them as we go along but don’t worry about taking notes, this page will remain available until next year (when it will be updated). Workshop Links (/featured-resources/workshop/)
The key is we can cover the topics that most interest you.
- Introductions
- Dean Rehberger, Director, Matrix, Michigan State University
Mike Green, Director of Digital Lab, Matrix, Michigan State University - Participants: Briefly introduce yourself, where you are from, and your interest/project for oral history.
- Matrix: Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
- Matrix (https://matrix.msu.edu/)
- What America Ate (https://matrix.msu.edu/what-america-ate)
- Map View (https://whatamericaate.org/map.php)
- Montana Turkey (https://whatamericaate.org/full.record.php?kid=79-2C8-13F&page=1)
- What America Ate (https://matrix.msu.edu/what-america-ate)
- Matrix and Oral History (https://matrix.msu.edu/projects)
- Flint (https://flint.matrix.msu.edu/) Highly used but locked in partially stuck in dated technology.
- 2002 but sound standards still hold (https://flint.matrix.msu.edu/about.php)
- Audio Files (https://flint.matrix.msu.edu/keyword_search.php?keywords=strike&Submit=Search)
- Studs (https://matrix.msu.edu/studs-terkel)
- Studs Place to Conversations with America (https://studsterkel.matrix.msu.edu/index.php)
- 15 minute downloads (https://studsterkel.matrix.msu.edu/gwar.php)
- Problem of Video (https://studsterkel.matrix.msu.edu/index.php)
- Overcoming Apartheid (https://overcomingapartheid.msu.edu/)
- Oral history in context (https://overcomingapartheid.msu.edu/sidebar.php?kid=163-581-3)
- Power of Voice (video)(https://overcomingapartheid.msu.edu/video.php?kid=163-572-223)
- Nigerian-Biafran War (https://nigeriabiafra.org/)
- Folu Ogundimu (updated focus on video quality)(https://nigeriabiafra.matrix.msu.edu/folu-ogundimu/)
- Oral History in the Digital Age (My greatest failure and success)
- Flint (https://flint.matrix.msu.edu/) Highly used but locked in partially stuck in dated technology.
- Matrix (https://matrix.msu.edu/)
- Dean Rehberger, Director, Matrix, Michigan State University
2. Oral History in the Digital Age
- Workshop Links (/featured-resources/workshop/
- Front Entrance (/) Key finding — at the beginning of a oral history project one should imagine the endpoint (museum, library, archive, historical society) and how it will and could be used (need for metadata, images, b-roll, curation practices)
- Developed best practices and not standards (/best-practices/) Mobile and contextual practices: Doing the best one can given knowledge and resources
Six Key Maxims of Oral History
First Key Maxim of Oral History: Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.
Second Key Maxim of Oral History: Always do back up — recording, files, documents, site (drives are like lightbulbs)
Third Key Maxim of Oral History: Don’t forget the metadata and b-roll.
Fourth Key Maxim of Oral History: at the beginning of a oral history project one should imagine the endpoint (museum, library, archive, historical society) and how it will and could be used (need for metadata, images, b-roll, curation practices)
Fifth Key Maxim of Oral History: Be over prepared but allow for chance and surprise.
Sixth Key Maxim of Oral History: Scheduling will be your bane — have a plan B and C
- Glossary (/gettingstarted/glossary/)
- /gettingstarted/glossary/videoglossary/
- /gettingstarted/
- /gettingstarted/playlists/cataloging-and-metadata/
- /2012/06/collection-management-systems/
Pros and Cons - /2012/06/oral-history-core/
Metadata for your type of institution: context - /gettingstarted/playlists/digital-preservation/
- /2012/06/digital-video-preservation-and-oral-history/
Unpacking technical terminology - /thinkingbig/
- /2012/06/thinking-big-kara-van-malssen/
- /essays/
- /doug/
- /featured-resources/
- /wp-content/uploads/2012/06/born_digital.pdf
- https://wiki.ohda.matrix.msu.edu/index.php/Main_Page
- https://wiki.ohda.matrix.msu.edu/index.php/Best_Practices
- /dbsearch/index.php
Search: How to transcribe - https://wiki.ohda.matrix.msu.edu/index.php/Nebraska
Determine primary sources - https://wiki.ohda.matrix.msu.edu/index.php/Sites
380 sites: explore like organizations - Best practices Redux (Most Cited)
- Institute for Oral History, Baylor (https://www.baylor.edu/oralhistory/)
- Columbia Oral History Archive (https://library.columbia.edu/libraries/ccoh.html)
- Vermont Folklife Oral History (https://www.vermontfolklifecenter.org/sound-archive)
- Digital (Doug Boyd) https://digitalomnium.com/category/recordes-microphones/digital-audio-recorders/
- Keep It Simple: Enhancing Oral History Video Footage with Final Cut Pro X (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FmEmPqTs6E)
3. Online Projects
- OHA Centers & Collections (https://www.oralhistory.org/centers-and-collections/)
- Studs: https://studsterkel.matrix.msu.edu/
Value added access to full record but not all recordings - Flint https://flint.matrix.msu.edu/
Locked into technology but remains accessible (used best practices for audio from start) - https://overcomingapartheid.msu.edu/
Complex objects on output: funding and access - Video-Audio Barn: https://avbarn.museum.state.il.us/
Variety of access: location - Smith College: Alumnae Oral History Project (https://libraries.smith.edu/special-collections/research-collections/resources-lists/oral-histories/alumnae-oral-history-project)
- Video and Transcripts
- American South: https://docsouth.unc.edu/sohp/I-0081/menu.html
Fine tuning access - British Sounds (https://sounds.bl.uk/Oral-history)
Playlists and favorites (https://sounds.bl.uk/Oral-history/Banking-and-finance/021M-C0409X0057XX-0003V0) - Densho (https://densho.org/)
Engage users to submit and focus on learning - NYLP Oral History https://oralhistory.nypl.org/
Crowdsourcing - UK Nunn Center — OutSouth (https://nunncenter.net/outsouth/items/show/12)
4. Curation and Processing
- Oral History Association — Curation best practices 2019 (https://www.oralhistory.org/archives-principles-and-best-practices-complete-manual/)
- Kultura (https://mediaspace.msu.edu/media/1_sluh1o46)
- OHMS Introduction (https://www.oralhistoryonline.org/)
- Ohms Sign-up (https://ohms.uky.edu/)
- Video Introduction to OHMS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvfweBl586g&feature=youtu.be)
- Interview with Fred Noe (Bourbon Tales) (https://nunncenter.net/ohms-spokedb/render.php?cachefile=2013oh464_bik025_ohm.xml)
- Value Added on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in-0z35wyDY)
- Best Practices — Guided by OHMS Interface (https://ohms.uky.edu/)
Starting New: Metadata
/2012/06/metadata/ - Index
- Time Stamp: beginning of Question (sometimes — but complex)
- Titling: Meaningful and topics
- Subjects: Controlled Vocabulary
- Keywords: Natural Language ( Thesaurus)
- Synopsis: express complex ideas not conveyed in keywords
- Decide on level of indexing
- OHMS — allows for volunteer-sourcing
Preservation of Oral History
- 3,2,1 Rule
- 3 Copies
- 2 Formats
- 1 off site
- LOCKSS — Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe
- Medium assessment is key
- “Checksum” and the Digital Preservation of Oral History (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emom_ncMqu0)
- Digitization Standards https://mndigital.org/standards-best-practices/best-practices-digitization
- LOC Sound Preservation (https://www.loc.gov/rr/record/index.html)
- LOC Moving Image Preservation (https://www.loc.gov/rr/mopic/)
- Audio Preservation:
https://cool.conservation-us.org/bytopic/audio/ - Video preservation:
https://cool.conservation-us.org/bytopic/video/ - Motion Picture Film:
https://cool.conservation-us.org/bytopic/motion-pictures/ - National Archives
https://www.archives.gov/preservation/formats/audio-video-resources.html - Refining Conversion Contract Specifications: Determining
Suitable Digital Video Formats for Medium-term Storage.
https://www.digitizationguidelines.gov/audio-visual/documents/IntrmMastVidFormatRecs_20111001.pdf - Minimum Digitization Capture Recommendations
https://www.ala.org/alcts/resources/preserv/minimum-digitization-capture-recommendations - Digitizing Video for Long-Term Preservation
5. Remote Oral History
- OHS — Advice on remote oral history interviewing during the Covid-19 pandemic (https://www.ohs.org.uk/advice/covid-19/)
- Oral History Association-Archives Interest Group collaborative document, ‘Resources, examples, group experience to draw on to prepare Guidelines for Remote Oral History Interviewing’, (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PSTjlzQuqcADjFs6QWm7VZaNNtIjVJwg1AsN1EsrIyU)
- Archives of the Episcopal Church (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19O-UV71mLP3P42rEd32Fj8dYz-wpMI38jxZyLTs9D74/edit)
- Vermont Folklife Recording Remotely (https://www.vermontfolklifecenter.org/remote-recording)
- H-Net — Conducting Oral Histories Remotely (https://networks.h-net.org/node/16738/discussions/6031284/conducting-oral-history-interviews-remotely)
- OHA Oral History at a Distance: Conducting Remote Interviews Webinar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsSTWkVTit0)
6. Other Links
- Immigrant Stories: https://immigrants.mndigital.org/exhibits/show/immigrantstories-exhibit/stories-a-m
- Tutorial 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRBKiT0zIBk
- Tutorial 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wdNpfqwGJw
- Tutorial 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZZkcEpGURQ
- Tutorial 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFa-L9XldvE
- Tutorial 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eoi51qE1v8M
- WeVideo: https://www.wevideo.com/
Digital Repository and CMS — Drupal, WordPress, Omeka
- Audio-Video Barn, Oral History of Illinois Agriculture
https://avbarn.museum.state.il.us/ - Stories Matter
https://storytelling.concordia.ca/storiesmatter/ - Jewish Museum & Archives of British Columbia
https://www.jewishmuseum.ca/ - Noxubee County Library
- Drupal
- Audio-Video Barn, Oral History of Illinois Agriculture
- Durban Sings:
https://durbansings.wordpress.com/about/ - Guernsey Evacuees Oral History:
https://guernseyevacuees.wordpress.com/ - Transgender Oral History Project:
https://www.transoralhistory.com/ - Stories To Tell Blog:
https://www.storiestotellonline.com/wordpress/?cat=8 - WordPress.com
https://wordpress.com - WordPress Themes
Content DM
- Baylor Digital Collections
https://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/landingpage/collection/buioh - Ohio Memory
https://www.ohiomemory.org/cdm/landingpage/collection/p15005coll37 - University of Victoria
https://contentdm.library.uvic.ca/cdm/landingpage/collection/collection13 - Contentdm
- Bracero History Archive collects and makes available the oral histories and artefacts pertaining to the Bracero program, a guest worker initiative that spanned the years 1942-1964. Millions of Mexican agricultural workers crossed the border under the program to work in more than half of the states in America”
https://braceroarchive.org/ - Hurrican Digital Memory Bank: Collecting and Preserving the Stories of Katrina and Rita:
https://hurricanearchive.org/ - A Look Back at Braddock District Fairfax County, Virginiahttps://braddockheritage.org/
- Gulag History gulaghistory.org
- Teaching Site – Children & Youth in History chnm.gmu.edu/cyh/
- Neatline – neatline.org/demos
- More – omeka.org/plugins
Mapping Oral History
- Curatescape: https://curatescape.org/projects/
- Projects: https://clevelandhistorical.org/items/show/68#.WBqPXuErK7Y
Extra Resources
- Padcaster
https://padcaster.com - Shure Iphone and External Mic
https://www.shure.com/en-US/performance-production/applications/vlogging?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7ILlp6_26gIVBNvACh1hiw4tEAAYASAAEgI8NPD_BwE - BlackMagic
https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/intensity - Express Scribe
https://www.nch.com.au/scribe/ - Audacity
https://audacity.sourceforge.net/ - Legal Issues
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