Meaningful access to audio and video passages: A two-tiered approach for annotation, navigation, and cross-referencing within and across oral history interviews by Doug Lambert and Michael Frisch Abstract Despite the use of digital technology for recordings and the opportunity for online retrieval, meaningful access to recorded oral history collections still requires an approach to– and …
Tag: audio
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Microphone Strategies for Recording Video
Microphone Strategies for Recording Video for Oral History Interviews by Doug Boyd Professional video recording technologies are becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. However, nothing will degrade the effect of professional looking video more than a video with bad sound. One of the keys to creating “professional” quality video is to also record professional quality audio. …
Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/microphone-strategies-for-recording-video/
Digital Audio Recording: The Basics
Digital Audio Recording: The Basics by Doug Boyd In the context of audio, “analog” refers to the method of representing a sound wave with voltage fluctuations that are analogous to the pressure fluctuations of the sound wave. Analog fluctuations are infinitely varying rather than the discrete changes at sample time associated with digital recording. Simply …
Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/digital-audio-recording/
Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/audio-or-video-for-recording-oral-history/
Ask Doug: Choosing a Digital Audio Recorder
Finding the right equipment for a project can be one of the most difficult steps. Our digital expert, Doug Boyd, makes it easy by providing you with Ask Doug, a set of questions that takes you through a series of decisions to some of the best possible choices for your particular needs. At this point, we …
Permanent link to this article: /2012/06/ask-doug-choosing-a-digital-audio-recorder/
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